Welcome to the Communication Department of the PCC
CBS Radio Buea FM 95.3 MHz
CBS Radio Bamenda
FM 101.0MHz
Welcome To The
Communication Department of The PCC
"That in Everyway Christ is Proclaimed" Philippians 1:18
About the Communication Department
The Communication Department of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon was first named “Radio and Literature Department” when it started. Discussions on creating the unit probably started in the early sixties and the groundwork laid between 1966 and 1967. In 1968, effective work started in the Department with the objective of evangelization through radio. “Radio” at the time meant producing programs and broadcasting them on the government radio station in Buea, since the church did not own a radio station. The Literature dimension of the Department focused on the production of the “Messenger”, a 16-page black and white magazine that published both Christian and general news items. It is not certain whether or not the Diary and Almanac was part of the literature work at the time. The three radio programs broadcast included Presbyterian Meditation every Sunday and holy days, the news program, Presbyterian Echo, broadcast on Thursdays and Morning Devotion from Mondays to Saturdays alternating with the Baptists and the Roman Catholics.
In the course of time, those working in the Department thought the name “Radio and Literature Department” was restrictive. Consequently, the first Cameroonian Secretary of the Department, the Rev. Nyansako-ni-Nku proposed to the Synod Committee meeting in Wum and it was agreed that the name be changed from Radio and Literature Department to a more comprehensive name, “Communication Department”. The change of name was thus effected in 1972 with the understanding that the new name covers a wide panorama of both the print and electronic media. With the new appellation, the Department could include print items such as newspapers, magazine, gospel tracks, diaries, almanacs and more. And in the electronic side it could have radio, audio and video productions, computers and other information technology infrastructure as well as television.
From the year of its inception, the “Radio and Literature Department” turned “Communication Department” grew amidst problems of personnel and finances. The few trained and untrained staff worked together. While the magazine died and resurrected a number of times, the number of radio programs increased from three to four and then to five, with “Our Choirs Sing” and “Days of our Life” being the new additions.
PCC Media Organs
Activities carried out by the National Communication Office
The National Communication Office of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, facilitates the Church’s Ministry to wider audiences and communities, and carries out public relations work for the PCC. The department controls the 2 PCC-owned radio stations; CBS Buea FM 95.3, online:www mixlr.com/cbsradiobuea (broadcasting 24/7 non-stop) and CBS Buea FM 101.0 (broadcasting 5:30am to 10:30pm). Through these radio stations and its Facebook page (PCC TV), the communication office produces and broadcasts a variety of Christian, humanitarian, community and public affairs programmes. Some of its productions are also aired through partner radio stations including: CRTV, Radio Bonakanda FM 92.1, Divine Mercy Radio FM 97.0, Radio Hot Cocoa FM 94.0, Abakwa FM Bamenda FM 99.0, Foundation Radio Bamenda FM 100.0, CBC Radio FM 97.2 and Rush FM 104.5, amongst others.
Besides audiovisual production and broadcast, the PCC National Communication office also, on behalf of the church, produces publications such as the Church Almanac, Daily Bible Readings & Diary, Presbyterian Messenger and Presbyterian Echo. In addition, this department runs ecumenical communication training workshops and seminars, aimed at enhancing the communication skills of young and aspiring communication professionals. The PCC Communication Office is fully involved in documentary and short movies production, as well as communication projects envisaging personal/community empowerment and development.
Units and Department
Rev. Dr. Perpetua Fonki
PCC National Communication Secretary
Rev. Numfor Godwin
PCC Web Master
Rev. Etaka Elsie
East Mungo Communication Secretary
Rev. Geraldine Fobang
Regional Communication Secretary North West
Boris Karloff Batata
Station Manager CBS Radio Buea
The Presbyterian Echo
Our Monthly online publication, with insights to PCC happenings and more.